Kodak Total Blue™ Lens delivers protection for your digital life Most likely, you are one of the millions of people who spend a large portion of your day viewing one or more digital devices; smartphone, tablet or computer monitor. Along with the greater access to information has come greater exposure to potentially harmful blue light. This increase in High-Energy Visible (HEV) Blue Light could potentially lead to eyestrain, eye fatigue and disruption in normal sleeping patterns
Kodak Total Blue Lens with Color Guard Lens Technology™ works to alleviate your exposure to UV rays and HEV Blue Light while allowing beneficial low energy blue light to maintain color vision.
UV Protection and Blue Light Filtering
Kodak Total Blue™ Lens offers your eyes 100% protection from UV rays and filters Harmful Blue Light, decreasing the risk associated with long-term exposure to UV and HEV rays.
While filtering out Harmful Blue Light, Kodak Total Blue™ Lens allows low energy blue light which is essential for true color perception and essential sleep cycle rhythms– to pass through to the eye.
If your day includes continuous exposure to HEV Blue Light sources and as a result, are experiencing eyestrain and eye fatigue, Kodak Total Blue Lens is the choice for you.
What is HEV Blue Light? Light is energy1 and each color of the spectrum is created by different energy wavelengths measured in nanometers. In the color spectrum below, HEV Blue Light wavelengths represent the violet and blue colors visible to the human eye. |
The increase of HEV Blue Light exposure could lead to unhealthy repercussions ranging from eye strain, headaches, blurred vision, and insomnia to adverse moods and unrest. Sleep study centers have discovered a correlation between HEV Blue Light exposure and sleeping disorders, and several articles have been published about the effects of blue light on our natural sleep cycle. It is recommended that whenever possible, the exposure to HEV Blue Light emitting devices be reduced or eliminated, before bedtime.
Not all blue light is harmful. Only the HEV Blue Light wavelengths on the high-frequency end of the spectrum have been noted to have potentially damaging effects. Low Energy Blue Light is essential for full color perception and helps regulate the sleep cycle. Blue light, in general, promotes alertness which is beneficial during the day but disturbs necessary rest at nighttime.